The new Russian capitalism in the science

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Note: An interview from Russian scientists and students who really have worked in CERN for SCAR-CERN collaboration has the question-answer structure. The interview confirms the fact of existing related to Mafia structure in CERN (European Centre for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland).

Q: What is the SCAR ?

A: Formally, on the one hand the SCAR (Scientific Center for Applied Research) is the department in JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia). As an international scientific institute JINR and its departments have the set of financial and special tax privileges. On the other hand the SCAR is the private company. The owner and the general director is Mr. V.Samoilov (he is registered in CERN as CERN EP/UAT, bld. 52 office 1-003). SCAR has the independent budget and Mr. V.Samoilov has the rights to employ or dismiss the employees in his company. For example, about ten kinsman of his family have the staff in SCAR and also in JINR. His son in low Mr. A.Samochkine ( CERN IT/PS, bld. 513 office 2-015) doesn't have the appropriated skills and speciality for CERN, but he has been sent to CERN with special role as whistler.

Dark side of the moon.

Q: What is the financial investment from CERN side and SCAR side to the collaborations?

A: CERN pays to the team account exactly 4 000 CHF per month for each Russian employee and until end of 2001 CERN also has paid 800 CHF for UNIQA health insurance. From team account SCAR pays to an employee the month salary 1420 CHF. Except the members of Samoyilov's family, the salary is exactly the same for skilled specialist, for student or for general worker, for single or marred persons. Also each employee has the right for an air ticket Moscow-Geneva-Moscow one time per year. The ticket costs 700 CHF. Mr. A.Karlov rents the flats for employees, usually it is one flat for 3 or 4 persons. The accommodation costs less than 600 CHF per month for each person. Now we can calculate the fall-year income for SCAR from one employee. It is 12 *(4 000 - 1420 - 600) - 700 ~ 23 000 CHF. From first point of view it is the humorous sum for CERN budget. But, please remember the SCAR and CERN collaboration is ten years old and has about 10 or 15 employees for each annual period for different projects like as LHC, ATLAS, NICE, LabVIEW and etc. Just for demonstration, here is the short list of SCAR's employees for last years: IT/CO, 14 3-029, 79414 AB/CO, 35 3-015, 78753 AB/CO, 35 3-015, 78753 AB/CO, 35 3-015, 78753 AT/MTM, 35 3-015, 78753 IT/PS, 513 2-019, 74991 ETT/TT, 602 R-019, 78032 IT/CS, 31 R-009, 74252, and many others.

As the resume, SCAR really has paid nothing and CERN has lost about 2 300 000 CHF (23 000 CHF * 10 employees * 10 years) or from another point of view, CERN specially does the investment to grow the criminal and related to Mafia structure.


Q: Can we speak about the Russian Mafia organization in CERN ?

A: Please, don't summarize. We are speaking just about SCAR-CERN collaboration. It is the dark side of the moon. Yes, of course, now we can speak that is the criminal structure like as Italian Mafia. This structure is based on two families who organized the real exploitation and racket and it has the protection and support from CERN and JINR directorates.


Q: What do you mean about that ?

A: From JINR's side the main actor is Mr. V.G. Kadyshevsky. His staff is JINR director. He knows that SCAR like as internal structure in JINR can not work as recruitment agency.

V.G. Kadyshevsky No away from KGB

CERN has the actor especially for relations between Russia and Eastern Countries. His name is EP/UO, 500 1-004, 77320 73632. Without his amicable agreement with the racketeers like as Mr. A.Karlov and Mr. V.Samoilov the SCAR-CERN collaboration was impossible.


Q: Who is this man ?

A: I have worked with Mr. N.Koulberg in 70-th years for MIRABEL collaboration between Russian and French scientists in IHEP (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia). There he had the role as a security officer. I guess he was an agent from CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, USA). Also I guess he is the double or treble agent. From that time Mr. N.Koulberg has the friendly cooperation with the KGB whistlers like as Mr. A.Karlov, Mr. V.Samoilov, Mr. V. Shkundenkov and etc. It is the real life of the professional friendship between the old security agents.


Q: Who is Mr. V. Shkundenkov ?

A: Oh ! He is the best friend of Mr. N.Koulberg. Really Mr. Vladimir Shkundenkov is a pioneer and trailblazer who has organized the exploitation of Russian students in CERN. It is the next fine story which will be continued. Mr. A.Karlov and Mr. V.Samoilov are the quick learners of Mr. V. Shkundenkov.